106 responses »

  1. This looks like a dance I could get to grips with 😉 lol

    Merry Christmas Beth
    hey it’s early yet I know
    but I might not get back
    here before Santa sets
    off on his travels 🙂 lol

    Andro xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like it…balter on….People used to say how what awesome dancers my husband and I were…really, we weren’t…often we were off beat and our feet didn’t match…but what they see is the pure joy in our hearts and our faces…and that’s all that matters. Thanks for finding this…much joy in my heart. Miss those dancing days! ~ Marie

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  3. Is there anything more enjoyable than baltering about all over the place, especially in the company of fellow balterers?? Well, besides sporadically falling down. That’s always a tremendous trip 😉 Fabulous post. Best wishes,

    Smiling Toad

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