vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. – jonathan swift


every morning brings new potential,

but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before,

you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities.

– harvey mackay

43 responses »

  1. Excellent point Beth. In business it’s called management accounting – what do we have right now and what can we do with it – as opposed to financial accounting – what did we do with it in the past. it’s kind of a perspective that we often call re-evaluating, a process that is constant if done well.

    Cool car – ROAD TRIP!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a dream cruise this would be, if only with the right person, I would ignore the peeling paint and state of the car! ha ha! I definitely believe 100% in your quote about misfortunes of yesterday being kept in the past. you are a person I admire for moving on, without electricity, without water, you have given us plenty of examples of how you make the best of everything, Beth!!

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