when in doubt, hope for the best.



we went to

one of my grandie’s soccer games

his day to bring the snack

a variety pack

filled with all things crunchy and wonderful

he was really excited to share the treats

but worried

that his favorites would all be gone

i told him that it was important to offer them all

and then to eat whatever was left


he might be able to up the odds a little bit

by putting his favorites at the bottom of the box

that way he was more likely to have them left over

and he didn’t have to feel bad

because he had offered all of them to his team

if he was meant to have them

they would still be there

if not

it was nice of him to have shared them

i watched as he thought it over


carefully put his ‘puffy cheetos’ on the bottom.

after the game he shared the snacks

and was delighted to see

that amazingly

his favorites were still there.

my daughter said that this was probably

the advice he would remember most from me

not to be kind, to be fair, or to take turns

but rather,

to put your favorites in the bottom of the box,

offer them to your friends

cross your fingers


hope for the best.

nothing wrong with hoping for the best.


grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief

they haven’t thought of yet.

~ gene perret

44 responses »

  1. Beth this really made me smile! I have known such discussions with my children; and as they get older our topics change, but the communication continues. You have a beautiful foundation to build on. Huge hugs and thanks for the smiles I have reading your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed this, and was so pleased there were some of his favourites left after he handed the box around. I can imagine my face gradually filling with fake cheer as the last of my favourite nibbles vanished from the box so I’m glad he didn’t have that experience 🙂


  3. Oh how i LOVEEEE this! “the advice he would remember most from me
    not to be kind, to be fair, or to take turns
    but rather,
    to put your favorites in the bottom of the box,
    offer them to your friends
    cross your fingers
    hope for the best.”
    I can wait to be a grandma and give such great advice! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for brightening my day with this post, Beth. Your advice brought a smile, and the photo of the Cheese puffs brought back many memories of over-indulging in them as a teenager. When I find stuff that my grandkids especially love I tend to surprise them with it often or make sure I have it around my house when they come to visit.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love….absolutely LOVE Cheetos and especially love a brand called, Jax Cheese Puffs!!! But alas, Jax Cheese Puffs are no longer available on the West Coast and I can no longer enjoy them without traveling to the East Coast….a trip well worth it for my beloved Jax Cheese Doodles! I can sooo relate to your grandchild’s dilemma! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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