


ring around the rosy

“the whole universe is based on rhythms.

everything happens in circles, in spirals.”

-john hartford

32 responses »

  1. Pingback: circles. — I didn’t have my glasses on…. – shoptodayblog

  2. Passed down from generation to generation. I still play ‘Ring Around The Rosy’ at my age 73. My 2 year old grand daughter loves it and knows the words by heart. That could be due to the fact that we have sung it thousands of times. The only change for me is when we all fall down I fall into a chair, Maddi falls to the floor. :o) I hope when she enters Primary she is blessed with a teacher just like you. I always enjoy reading your posts. Kudos. :o)

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  3. I’m definitely drawn to circles (being dizzy and all)! No, seriously, I love soft edges. I’ve been buried deep in all the things life throws at a person, but I needed to carve out some time to visit my Peeps! Miss you!❤

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