

how excited was i 

when i discovered 

that my local mcdonald’s 

chose to give me this special cup?!

what a statement this was

what a compliment

they must have been waiting

for just the right customer to come along

this lid was like a badge of honor

clearly written in two languages

for all the world to see

i carried it with pride

as i went to add my cream

and it was then

that i noticed 

that it had come from

a huge sleeve of coffee cup lids

 all carrying the exact same message. 

clearly written

in two languages.

“when you’re hot, you’re hot; when you’re not, you’re not.”

-flip wilson

28 responses »

  1. I loved your excitement! I was happy for a Flip Wilson quote which I never knew he started this common refrain from my friends’ and my mouths, more than once.
    I was dismayed, one of the regular lids everyone gets. Too bad. . . sad but not defeated!!

    Liked by 1 person

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