the works.


before i left the salon

i booked my next appointment

after discussing what services

i’d be interested in

 as i walked back to my car

i read the receptionist’s summary

of what i’d requested

stated in two words:

“the works”

 i had better plan to be there for a while.


“great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”

-samuel johnson

40 responses »

  1. Sounds like fun: the works! 🎉❤
    I received a massage and warm meditation time from Felicia a year ago. We followed this with our mutual birthdays being served a meal we paid for and free desserts later that day. Only thing was: the massager used oils in my hair! I felt kind of greasy but ignored my impulse to go home and wash it all out!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I was younger, and still apparently interested in the dating scene, however theoretically, I went to an upmarket hair salon where the hairdresser spent an unwelcome amount of time fussing over my hair and re-combing it after he had already cut it, so I would be in prime condition to walk in the windswept streets at the end of our appointment. His look as I crushed my motorcycle crash helmet over my head at the end of the appointment remains one of my heart-warming memories!!!

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