out of the woods.


a bit ironic

that the man who was installing my wood flooring

showed up at my house

on the second day of work

looking rough

telling me how he had helped his friend

take down a dying tree in his yard

only to be knocked out cold and hit in the ribs

by a wayward giant branch

a piece of wood

that did not fall into place as planned.

I suggested he take the day off

to go to the doc or for some r&r

 to come back and finish

whenever he felt better.

glad he took me up on my offer

and left for the day.

shows something about his work ethic

that he showed up

the very next day

prepared to work as hard as ever.

his comment –

” I know I look like I’ve been hit by a tree, but I’m okay,

it’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

lots of people have it a lot worse.”


“as you slide down the banister of life,

may all the splinters be going in the right direction.”

– author unknown



image credit: travelocity. com


40 responses »

  1. I read a couple of articles about how trees communicate with each other – – maybe the tree knew he does wood flooring, and took a parting swipe at him. “I know I look like I was hit by a tree” is great, sounds like a good guy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Resa asked me to post a poem about them on her about page, so I did, or else it’s floating out there somewhere, they are already causing so much mischief


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