

(not me, but a tiny brit/ fellow lover of butter,

who began by trying to make pancakes with his brother,

before it all went happily off the rails

and he ended up

covered in butter with a butter shampoo.)

when in maine….

apparently the warm, melted butter

was waiting to ambush me

it went perfectly 

with everything I ate

due to my obvious positive response

and unapologetic joy

they just kept serving me

things that could go with it


and at one point

(I didn’t even notice)

the protective bib I was wearing 

somehow fell off and was under the table

and I found myself 

quite literally covered in melted butter

from the tips of my fingers

to just above my elbows

with collateral damage all around

and it was magnificent. 


It took me years to figure out that you don’t fall into a tub of butter, you jump for it.

-claudette colbert

image credit: Dailymail.co.uk, menshealth.com

45 responses »

  1. Oh my, that’s a slippery little fellow! I wonder who he wants to butter up. 💖 (Do you have the expression ‘to butter someone up’ over there? It means to tell them nice things to get something in return.)

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