turn of the wheel.


it’s a new year’s eve tradition

the famous wheel of cheese is back

much to everyone’s delight

let the celebration begin

happy new year

‘if I tell you there’s cheese on the moon, bring the crackers.’

-tyronn lue

53 responses »

  1. I just thought, on the first impression – oh, they have ā€˜TĆŖte de Moineā€™ cheese, which means Monkā€™s Head and is placed on a spindle mounted on a wooden wheel, then you put a ā€˜shaverā€™ over the spindle and you shave little cute and curly ā€˜cornsā€™ off. Letā€™s see if I find one on the internet to send….
    Any meal involving a cheese platter and wine is perfectly fine for me – and I love the quote, a brilliant pairing, as is wine and cheese. The wine can be substituted by cider, vin moelleux (a sweeter, rounded white wine) or tea.

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