

going through my piles of stuff

i found this page

from exactly 13 years ago

when I solved my first

nyt sunday crossword puzzle

all on my own

all spaces filled

I was so happy

this was a personal goal

I had worked on many puzzles

 and finally began to learn

the styles of the editors/writers

what spaces, clues, word play, patterns, punctuation, puns, word roots,

capital letters, italics, other languages, irony, humor, sarcasm all meant

I like to work in ink

not crossing out clues

not in any order

do as much as I can

walk away once or twice

then it somehow all falls into place

sometimes I master it

sometimes it masters me

now every sunday

I eagerly grab my newspaper from outside the door

and the challenge begins once again.

I attribute it all to sheer will and bit of magic.

‘our whole life is solving puzzles.’

-erno rubik


58 responses »

  1. There were a few years about a decade ago where I would work the Sunday NYT puzzle on lunch hour at work. I think I managed about four out of all of those that were letter perfect. And I saved them as well, because it is quite the accomplishment! I also did them in ink, which sometimes made for a messy grid…


  2. I’ve been doing the Sunday puzzle all my life. Generally it takes multiple days and sessions. Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes I initially get only a couple of words, but over the course of the week I usually get it filled in, or nearly complete. Lateral thinking and all that.

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