

on a rainy walk
a bridge
covered with shining confetti
a celebration
only thing I know
is that it was
something wonderful.

‘’I’m all about possibilities and about surprises and the life force.”
-joel grey

63 responses »

  1. This was such a good vibe post to start my Monday. Good pic and interpretation for the confetti. I’d like to think that everyone in their life has had a confetti moment. That’s a cool thing to picture. Thanks for posting. Plus I’m digging that force quote 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Perfect and truly wonder-full! I am a sucker for stuff like this. We’re having rain too right now in the Swiss mountains and my friend and I just changed in ‘glittery’ leggings (mine with a fun print and hers with laces at the endings) and just knowing that, we feel very feastive with the jeans over them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. it’s a lovely picture, Beth; I too am mesmerised about possibilities and your post has kick-started a poem of mine I’ve had on the back-burner for a week; thanks to your inspiration it’s ready to go; will be up by tomorrow morning!

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