60 responses »

  1. You have a wonderful way of pulling a good picture and a good quote together! I love this one!

    I read Anne Lamotts book on writing “Bird by Bird”, I liked it but didn’t love it. Maybe because we share some weaknesses I’d rather not think about.

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  2. I saw that photo from years ago and did a bit of research.

    The goats live in a small region in southwestern Morocco where the Argan tree grows. Although the region is semi-arid desert and there’s fodder elsewhere, they love argan berries. They’re goat candy. Since the goats can’t reach them from the ground, they learned to climb Argan trees.

    But that’s not the weird part…

    Don’t Sit Under The Argan Tree

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  3. That white goat in the upper left, though. I fear for him most! Also, I automatically saw a comma that wasn’t there, as in, “Embrace your April, fool,” and that tells you all you need to know about me.

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