board meeting vs. bored meeting.


after someone moved

 i was asked 

to be an ‘at-large’ member

of my condo association board

filling in for a few months

but i soon 

 found myself elected to a two-year term.

i’m not really a fan of boards, meetings, or committees 

nothing against them

just not my favorite pastime

so not exactly what i was hoping for

but i do want to say a big thank you 

to all who voted for me

even if it possibly had something to do with

me being the only one willing to join

but that is neither here nor there now

 you are all invited to at least one of my inaugural balls

i’ll get the invites out as soon as things calm down

i’m very busy

working on lining up the entertainment

and trying on gowns. 


“never schedule a board meeting on wednesday, because it kills two weekends.”

-kurt vonnegut




image credit: napoleon dynamite, 2004, fox searchlight pictures, paramount pictures, mtv films


53 responses »

  1. Haha! One of the funniest parts of my career was that we had a teacher in our staff meetings who wouldn’t even pretend to be paying attention. He would hop up on the counter and take a nap while the rest of us gathered around the table. Even funnier, he later became the superintendent of our school district. He deserved a special category in a high school yearbook—least likely to become an administrator.🤣🤣🤣


  2. I am imagining the other residents giving sighs of relief when you accepted the position.
    Must feel nice to be so popular (until you have to send out notice of raising the annual dues.)


  3. Ah. Meetings. The painful part of any job. I kid you not, at one of my jobs they had a meeting to decide/debate if there were too many meetings. Congratulations on your ‘win’. I suspect many voted so no one would vote for them ! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beth, I can’t stop laughing. After all the years of board meetings, and I know serve on a county board, and seeing your Napoleon Dynamite pic,…well, I’m still laughing. Yes, I hope to car pool to your gala with someone maybe in my area? BTW,..are you gonna eat those tots? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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