the sleepy life of bees.


 walking through the trail

we start to notice

 bees tucked into the flowers all around us

everywhere we look

some are alone

legs tucked under

some with other bees

all quietly sleeping

what a sweet and soft landing spot

bedtime seems to be 7:30pm .

bees sleep between 5-8 hours a day

they like to sleep in flowers with other bees

and often hold each others feet.

“my banks they are furnish’d with bees,

whose murmur invites one to sleep.”

-william shakespeare


photo credits: f. porter, one of my creative and talented grandies

furstenberg nature area, ann arbor, michigan, usa



75 responses »

  1. Isn’t that just the sweetest thing and to discover that bee utiful bit of nature with your grandson..even sweeter. Since I am a flower farmer, I knew this about bees and catch them sleeping every day..or night. 🙂 I have seen so many different kinds of bees lately but usually only honey and bumble bees in your photos here. I love that different kinds of bees prefer certain blooms and seem to just show up when their favorite flowers are in bloom.
    So far the plants in my garden with the most variety of bees are on the oregano and Autumn joy sedum when they bloom. Oh and everyone loves the lavendar.
    I raise Orchard Mason bees and they are so fun to watch.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have a big perennial flower bed and see lots of bumble bees, but I’ve never caught them sleeping. I’m going to watch for it now. They love my phlox and hibiscus. One bee got trapped in our garage and looked like he was mostly dead at the glass window, but when I scooped him up with a garden shovel and put him on a flower, he recovered and took off. Made me happy.

    Liked by 2 people

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