Category Archives: laugh



when hanging outside with a couple of my grandies,

we talked as they worked on creating pictures

taken from online designs

very, very carefully selecting each tiny bead to put into place 

i thought it would be a good time to tell them about my cat, olive

who loves to pounce on the jigsaw puzzles on my table

when she finds me in the midst of them

i also thought i would do a mini dramatic recreation of how it all happens

as i pretended to be olive, bouncing my hand on the table

i apparently was a little too into my role

 when i hit the table

we all froze for a few seconds

after noticing that all of their hard work

had just been destroyed in the course of my acting.

great recovery though

as i apologized

we all laughed and laughed and laughed at what happened


that while it would take a long time to rebuild their designs

we also also knew

that life can be so instantly funny sometimes. 

“the more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it.”

– bill nye

funny bits.


a quote from the wonderful matilda wormwood

in honor of world book week.








credits: roald dahl – matilda, purple almond