Category Archives: open

creativity doesn’t wait.


when you try and try

to make a snowman

 the fluffy, sticky, wet snow is gone

the icy, hard, dry snow is here

 you think and think

of another way

  just decorate a bump that you find

make a flat-puffy snowman

and there you go.


“creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. it fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”
– bruce garrabrandt

seeing the world on a monday.


just another monday as we head back to school


“they say to think within the box,

but it’s funny how those in the box never go anywhere,

where those outside it, get to see the world.” 

―anthony liccione 


image credit: Children crossing the river on their way to school, Italy, 1959. (Photo by Tino Petrelli)

a good place.


what a lovely little place

discovered on a walk in the woods

nestled beneath the old trees

resting on a blanket

of the softest pine needles

open to all who happen by

who lives here?

“when you’re wide open, the world is a good place.”

-sharon salzberg






nichols arboretum, ann arbor, mi, usa. november 2018