Monthly Archives: December 2016




glen frey the cat not the rockstar

has been rescued by me

twice now

both times from precarious situations

he was always very skittish and fearful of most everything

probably based on the traumatic experiences he’d been through


after the second time

he suddenly

became very affectionate

and clearly decided

that it was important

to remind me of this

each morning around 3:30

he does this in a way

that there can be no doubt

 jumping on my bed

nuzzling/pummeling me with his head

kneading everything he can find

purring loudly

circling around me

and somehow it feels like he is

an giant octopus nudging me to wake up with his head and eight hands

until i am sufficiently awake

then he finally settles in

laying on my feet

with what feels like an immovable 237 pounds or so of pure cat muscle

and promptly goes to sleep

snoring and in deep r.e.m.

maybe he thinks we are on guard duty and need to take shifts?

who needs an alarm?

“i read that when cats are cuddling and kneading you, and you think it’s cute,

they’re really just checking your vitals for weak spots.”

-kandyse mcClure

the odyssey.



pretzel rod, the albino leopard gecko (pre-odyssey).

 last weekend

i stayed with the grandies

while their mom and dad were out of town


for some reason

during the last hour i was there

the two friendly house cats

decided to make a snack out of p-rod.

i had no idea this happened until i got home and got the call:

“the cats somehow got the screen off of the top of his terrarium and ate the gecko!”

imagine how badly i felt

that the murder had happened on my watch.

grandie f had just gotten this young gecko

for his birthday 6 weeks ago and was very sad.

he had replaced pretzel,

the tiny, twisty snake who was let go in the backyard.

the next day i picked him up at school and we planned

to make a memorial stone for pretzel rod to put in the garden.

we talked for a while about love and loss and pets and nature.

imagine my surprise when i got a call late that night that he had been found!

he must have crawled into the boys’ dirty laundry

which was on their bedroom floor

to escape the cats

hid out for 24 hours

 then was scooped up


 put in the washing machine

with the laundry

where he was washed, rinsed and spun.


he had survived

a feline attack

a day in smelly boy pants





he was washed, spun and rinsed

but there he was

sitting on the bottom of the washer

and after all of this, he was alive!

f yelled out over the phone:

“and he’s getting stronger by the minute!”

mom and dad said he looked rough and didn’t know if he’d make it

but he was indeed alive.

my task the next day was to get him some special treats

wax worms

(the big macs of the lizard world)

from the pet store to see if he would eat.

sure enough, he had some dinner

the first he’d eaten in a few days.

hopefully he’s on the mend

and we won’t have to go through a ‘second death’.

he looks a little lighter in color,

has some bite marks from the cats,

and doesn’t move as much

but he is alive and that is amazing.

“it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― leon c. megginson

last days.



“your modem has seen its last days.”

these are the words

that two different

comcast/xfinity customer service phone helper elves

uttered to me

when i read them the 267 digits and a couple of random letters

imprinted on the back of my modem

and described

what it was/was not doing

is this grim prognosis part of the script?

we then went through

a series of modem exercises

as a last ditch effort

to try to revive it

all were hit or miss

all to no avail

until it was confirmed

at last

that it had indeed

passed on


 we scheduled an appointment

to have an elf come and remove the old one

to replace it with

a new, younger and more glamorous model

though we had no history

and i feared it would never be the same.

“technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.”

-aldous huxley

the village.



the old mill, a boarding house, the glass lake, the stone bridge,

santa and his team, pine cone evergreens and the christmas tree

at my cottage 2016

once again

i was so excited to put out

 the remaining pieces

of the tiny village that my irish grandfather built

way back in the depression

when had become an american citizen

he was an architect by trade

as was his father

 he built this village by hand to exact scale


tiny stones


little sticks


heavy papers


incredible attention to every detail

all built

to share with us at the family christmas

i have very early and very fond mémories

of it placed on a big white board

with penciled in numbers for placement

so that every piece was in its place

beneath our christmas tree

with  lights installed underneath

 each building lit up inside

when it got dark outside

 a train ran around the village

it was covered in sparkly cotton snow

 it was so wonderful

i thought it would come to life at christmastime forever

 then it was lost for a long, long while

 i didn’t see it anymore


one day i saw its box out by the curb

waiting to go out with the trash

  during a very bad divorce between my parents

i would recognize its box anywhere

 i was lucky that i rescued it just in time

 only a few buildings and a few accessories remained intact

my siblings and i divided up what was salvageable

now i love to set up my own little section of his village each year

i think of how magical it was to see it all together as a child

i wonder what inspired him to create this wonderful village

i wonder where he got the ideas for each building

 i wonder how many buildings there were once upon a time

one of my buildings has the number 9 written inside in pencil

in my ‘umpa’s’  very neat and precise handwriting

 i wish i knew more of the story of the village

i wish i could ask him

no one remains who knows these answers


a couple of old photographs of parts of the village that i found in the original box


“i call architecture frozen music.”

-johann wolfgang von goethe

christmas physics.



a circle in motion will continue

until someone crashes into a tree or can’t breathe from laughing too hard.


it is possible for one conga line to travel in two different directions at the same time. 


“the new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality.

in a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one.”

-bruce lipton

“holidays are here. take special care.” – cliff richard



to all of those who are special to me

south of the equator

way down under in australia

it is already almost christmas day for you

 enjoy it as only you can


santa catching a wave on a sea reindeer

wearing board shorts and sailor hat

 hot blue skies shining overhead


christmas carol swimming nearby.

photo credit: the queenslander magazine cover, 1934

“how many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.” ― coco chanel



my class was interested in learning about snow

they knew that it:

comes from up there 

falls down to the ground

is cold

tastes like peppermint 


you can make stuff out of it. 

they wanted to learn about snowplows

so we invited our school’s snowplow driver

over for a visit

everyone put on their winter gear 

headed outside 

where he

showed them his truck

put on the lights 

moved the plow up and down


pushed the snow around the circle


we invited him into our room

to ask him questions

and learn more about him


he told the kids

to call him roger

he was very gentle and kind

he has been here for 28 years

this is his last snowplow winter

he answered every single question 

 listened to every single comment about snow

 they asked him what he does

when he’s not plowing

 they were surprised

he lives on 20 acres

has fainting goats, black swans and an aviary of 500 exotic finches

 decorates peoples houses for the holidays

is a father and grandfather 


a horticulturist 

who helped to create the children’s garden at our school

he is more than what they saw

when they saw him plowing the snow

now they know him as a person

now they will wave to each other

now they know how he helps our community

now they know how much more there is to his story


 when he was finished 

and it was time

for him to go back to his work

the children gathered around him and gave him hugs

they know a good person when they meet one.

“i  hope I didn’t bore you too much with my life story.” – elvis presley