Category Archives: humor

everything is funny.


if you want to smile

possibly even laugh out loud

spend 40 seconds

 watching the clip below

i dare you not to guffaw.


‘everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to someone else.’

-will rogers

unexpected places.


just curious

when waking up in the morning

at my friend’s house

why there was a large frying pan

on the bottom shelf of the nightstand

next to where i had been sleeping?

was this a hint that i was expected to chef our breakfast?

was this a self-defense weapon to use as needed?

had someone forgotten where they set down their pan?

had someone gone on a late-night eating in bed food bender?

when i inquired, one answered:

‘oh, is that the one that is usually hanging in the closet?’

what, there’s one usually hanging in the closet?

another answered:

‘what frying pan?’

host woke up and said,

‘ i was going to give that one away.’

oh, of course.

that’s the perfect place to leave it to remember to give it away.

 i loved waking up with a surprise, a mystery, and a smile.

(and there really was an even larger frying pan hanging in the hall closet.)

“there are almost unlimited possibilities for making discoveries and to uncover the unknown.

it is in the nature of the discovery that it can not be planned or programmed.

-on the contrary, it consists of surprises and appears many times in the most unexpected places.”

-bengt i. samuelsson

your words.


when you’ve just settled in for the night

and someone calls asking you to go out

you roll your eyes, you sigh

 then have a couple of ways to turn down the offer,

one leaves the caller with a better feeling about you than the other:



“i don’t feel like going out tonight.”



puts the blame on you



“for now, my place is here.”



you answer to a higher power

choose your words wisely.


“facts matter not at all. perception is everything. it’s certainty.”

-stephen colbert








credits: franklin springboro library, take a hike photography




let us read.


reasons why that reader is frowning:

1.they just read the book they put off for 393,348  years and it’s excellent, why didn’t they read it sooner?

2. they are in a fight with their to be read pile and it is winning.

3. someone just said, “why don’t you read the books you have before getting more?”

4. all of the above.

5, ?

“let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.”

~  voltaire, born in 1694.



credits: good living, paper fury


don’t lose your head.


really didn’t think anything of

carrying a pinata head in my passenger seat

to take to a friend’s birthday celebration


parking and grabbing a gift out of my car

the person in the car next to me

gave me the oddest look

after seeing my pinata head just sitting there

(a pinata true crime scene?)

i realize

this is probably not something that most people do 

but to me

this is just a part of a celebration

and i do.

“if one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble.”

-betty white


so annoying!


a found list of annoyances above

i really love these so much

i really love that someone wrote them down

i am not annoyed by found lists

a few things i am annoyed with:



-cold coffee


-wet wool touching me


-trying to undo an old roll of tape that tears into tiny strips


-most technology when it refuses to work correctly

even if 97% of the time it is due to something i am doing or not doing


-yodelers, unless i am in the alps.


what are some of your annoyances?


“what annoyances are more painful than those of which we cannot compain?”

-marquis de custine


michigan medicine.


as michiganders

we grew up with detroit’s famous vernors ginger ale

not only was is good to drink and make floats and shakes out of it

but we used it as at least 80% of our medicine

if you felt

nauseous, had a virus, flu, unexplained itching, headache, were sore, tired, dizzy

or suffered from an unlimited litany of ailments

you were put to bed

and given cold vernors to sip on

but when the hot vernors showed up

on your bedroom tray

you knew your prognosis was much worse

and your days possibly numbered.

“there is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great,

and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.”

-orison swett marden


a piece of work.


getting ready for the holidays

takes a bit of time

but always worth it .

i hope no one else has this same style.


“one should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art.”
― oscar wilde
photo credit: google vintage

channeling chevy chase.


a reblog of one of my fav christmas posts  – from december 2013

tire tracks in snow flying over the curb
went with one of my daughters to my favorite christmas tree lot, FLATSNOOTS, to buy my little tree. i love everything about these guys, they are always eccentric, friendly, quick, cheap, and helpful.
there was lots of new snow everywhere, and when i thought i was turning into their driveway, i was actually flying over a curb. we landed in their lot, in a parking spot, right next to their trailer. i rolled down my window, popped the trunk, and yelled out to duke, (one of the owners), ‘hey, can you toss whatever you have for $10 into my trunk?’ ‘nope. looks like you’re parked now, and that was quite an entrance. c’mon out back and we’ll see what we can find you.’
what i imagined that my car did as we entered the lot
(image credit: warner bros. pictures)
it was a typical flatsnoots shopping experience – they found me a little tree for $8, and told us to come into the trailer to warm up and pay, while they cut the bottom off of the tree. they quickly went to their mini bar, whipped out the cinnamon schnapps, and we toasted to the season, sang a song with them, and were on our way once again. i felt like we had been in a scene from ‘national lampoon’s christmas vacation.’ only better.
Discounts Remain the Same:
10% to geezers
10% to anyone who wears a sombrero
10% to anyone shorter than my friend PhilFine Services Available:
Valet Parking (not)
We will fresh-cut, prune & fit your tree to your stand
Tree delivery is available
Flatsnoots is a charter member of the North American Wood Tick Association * 
Coolest, Funkiest, most AH-mazingly bodacious Hat wins a COOL PRIZE

Peace & Prosperity to All!,  Duke

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson




inside my car at the car wash

music on


feeling that underwater seaweed or giant squid on my hood vibe

yet the highlight

is getting to the end

 seeing the ‘theme’ setup in a corner –

captain’s wheel, the bluest water, navigation devices

understanding why it is called

‘the lighthouse’

performance art at its finest and my clean car is merely a bonus

it’s really an immersive sensory art experience on the cheap.

“told you. everything sounds better in a car wash.”

-sarah dessen