Category Archives: ideas

‘all good ideas arrive by chance.’ – max ernst


kayak vending machine

easy peasy

now if this isn’t a brilliant idea, i don’t know what is-

 Independence Oaks County Park now has a brand new kayak vending machine.
The cost to rent a kayak from the machine is $25 for the first 2 hours,
then $10 an hour after that. We’ll see you on the water!
“i want to make a vending machine that sells vending machines. it’d have to be real big.”
-mitch hedberg
Clarkston, Michigan, USA
To see more fun things to do at Independence Oaks or our other parks, visit


DETERMINED: Manoj is proudly destined to put his name on the list of Guinness Book of World Records. He can write A-Z in 6 seconds using both his hands.
manoj is proudly destined to put his name on the list of guinness book of world records.
he can write A-Z in 6 seconds using both his hands.
i’m not quite there yet, but sometimes my ideas spring up so quickly that i really wish i had his super power.
instead, i write notes with one hand, on any scrap, napkin, rock, or available writing surface.
even though i’m only using one hand, trying to decipher it later is not always easy.
good thing i’m also into puzzles.

“i only wish i could write with both hands, so as not to forget one thing while I am saying another.”

*-teresa of avila,

*also called Saint Teresa of Jesus, a Carmelite nun and prominent Spanish mystic and religious reformer.

photo credit: usha wagle gautam, gulf times

questions and ideas.


while on our recent visit to the farm

one of the 3-year old kinder

asked the farmers why the windmill wasn’t spinning

after a short discussion about the wind and movement

he put it all together and was happy to know the answer.

when we sat next to each other on the bus for our return to school

he turned to me with a big smile and said,

“you know, i just love, love, love learning.”

and it almost brought me to tears.

“the capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”

-brian herbert




image credit: kobi yamada, apg sales and distribution,



adjustable cat anti scratch shoes anti scratch cat feet claw covers pet grooming supplies details 0

Adjustable Cat Anti-Scratch Shoes,

Anti-Scratch Cat Feet Claw Covers

just a guess,

but i’m thinking

this was not

thoroughly thought through

market tested


focus grouped

and may not go well.

“nothing dies harder than a bad idea.”

-julia cameron



source credit: mingott pet

creativity doesn’t wait.


when you try and try

to make a snowman

 the fluffy, sticky, wet snow is gone

the icy, hard, dry snow is here

 you think and think

of another way

  just decorate a bump that you find

make a flat-puffy snowman

and there you go.


“creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. it fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”
– bruce garrabrandt

start where you are.



Pick Up Truck Swimming Pool

What it is: A pool made from a pickup truck bed 
What You’ll Need: A pool liner 
Estimated Cost to Make: $20

Paddling pools are great, but they often pop or get misshapen. If you happen to be the proud owner of a pickup truck, then consider investing in some pool liner. In no time at all, you could have a sturdy metal pool right there in your truck bed that can hold the whole family. Of course, you can’t let the kids get too crazy or they might get a bruise or two, but it’s a wonderful idea. There are even companies out there that sell liners, especially for trucks. It’s a great way to customize your Ford for the summer!

“start where you are

use what you have

do what you can”

-arthur ashe


who knew?  enjoy your holiday weekend.

no one knows.


oh, audrey, class of 2020 –

this harkens back to my days 

in the 70s

painting on my best friend’s parents’ new car

(my parents said absolutely not)

proudly plastering on

the glory of our days in school

the coming glory of our leaving

driving around all day

in the hot sun

 noticing with surprise

when we scrubbed it all off

 even though the paint was gone

the sun had baked our message on

the marks from the paint remained

never able to be truly washed off

memorializing our message into eternity

 my friend’s parents with an equally surprised reaction

 at least audrey painted on the windows, not the body

she will go far, that one. 


“no one knows what’s a good idea or a bad idea until you try it.”

-marc randolph

greater than.


that moment

when you go to the grocery

to get some ice

for your food

after a wild and windy rainstorm

knocked your power out

 you pull out your bags of ice

only to find

a secret ice cream stash

placed there by a brilliant grocery worker

hidden for later

and your day is made.



“greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come.”

-victor hugo