Monthly Archives: July 2019



sometimes you find it

even in the

most unlikely of places

like tucked away

under a picnic table

on a farm with gentle deer

that you feed

 apples and leaves to

while indoor tennis lessons

are going on in the barn

a ping pong table

standing by

waiting to be played upon

a farm house, museum, and gardens

sitting quietly

all surrounded

by corn fields and a golf course

way out in the middle of nowhere. 

“skip the religion and politics, head straight to the compassion.

everything else is a distraction.”

-talib kweli

possibilities for sale, but not today.



this door was locked

when I happened upon it.

that’s an awful lot to pack into one store.

  like the costco of the possibility world.

I wonder if they offer free samples.

what do you think I would find inside?


“there are many spokes on the wheel of life.

first, we’re here to explore new possibilities.”

-ray charles



ann arbor,michigan, usa – summer 2019



friends meet under the bridge

and relax into an after-dinner chat. 

“I’d be smiling and chatting away,

and my mind would be floating around somewhere else

like a balloon with a broken string.”

-haruki murakami





Ann Arbor, mi – summer 2019

two shoes.


and what was just one shoe

perched up high

has now grown to two shoes


the only thing missing is the wearer

hopefully not sitting

perched here

 tomorrow morning. 

“comfortable shoes and the freedom to leave are the two most important things in life.”

-shel silverstein



 this came today

inside of a box of something else I had ordered

maybe it was added as a surprise free bonus

for being such a good customer

there were no directions 

and no warranty

but I am

looking forward to using it.


“even in empty space, time and space still exist”.

-sean m. carroll 




you know you’ve been waiting quite a long time

at the secretary of state’s office 

when even a minivan load of nuns get restless.



“I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name.

how could I be anything else but what I am having been named madonna?

i would have either ended up a nun or this.”

-madonna ciccone

new path.


shopping in the happy garden section today 

gloves, pots, dirt, candles, seeds, fairy lights…

and this.

machete much?


“if you’re doing something new there is always a sense of fear or foreboding,

but you’re in new ground

and you have to get out your machete and cut a new path.”

-jeanine tesori