Tag Archives: grandchildren

both a sword and shield.


grandma watches over her grandies

on a warm july evening by the huron river 

in argo park, ann arbor


“having a grandmother is like having an army. this is a grandchild’s ultimate privilege.

a grandmother is both a sword and a shield.”

-*fredrick backman

(*swedish author and one of my very favorites)

lucky six!


the six-pack is back

hard to get

the grandies all in place at one time

bigger and better than ever

along with sweet dog, nia

now one of the pack.

“one who doesn’t roll the dice can never expect to score a six.”

naviot singh sidhu

balancing act.


two of the six-pack of grandies finding their balance.

“we’ve just learned how to balance ourselves a little better

so that we’re happier way more of the time than not,


you know,

being happy is a radical and desirable act if you ask me.”

-anthony kiedis, red hot chili peppers


living and learning.




love seeing my granddaughters

riding while filled with a gentle spirit and mutual trust

love all the other grandies coming out

to see what they have been working on

love that they each have different things they love to do

karate, basketball, writing, swimming, cooking, reading, fantasy games,

swimming, horseback riding, drawing, helping people, flying, exploring,

floating, small business building, playing, celebrating

yet they all have the same tender spot for animals 

while living life and learning.

“from horses we may learn not only about the horse itself

but also about animals in general,

indeed about ourselves and about life as a whole.”

-george gaylord simpson

small batch.



grandie b whips up a late night batch of her chocolate chip cookies

no recipe

improv as needed 

no fear. 

“cooking with kids is not just about ingredients, recipes, and cooking.

it’s about harnessing imagination, empowerment, and creativity.”

-guy fieri



“the six pack’- my grandies all kind of sitting still in one place at one time

on national grandparents day

i am reminded of this afternoon

5 years ago in the park

 you always were

from the youngest age

each your very own person

 i’m so happy to be ‘peaches’ to every one of you.

“when a child is born, so are grandmothers.”

judith levy

very little.


after a fun afternoon 

and wonderful evening

spent visiting and playing

grandies are tired and tucked in

when suddenly the tears come

missing mom and dad

and after

a story, Kleenex, hugs, a visit from the cat, and a goodnight call to mom

everyone settles in for the night

including bunny

 does it get any better than that?

“very little is needed to make a happy life.”

-marcus aurelius



Magnus, Felix, Brooklyn, Valentina, Jackson, and Raffaella

a shoutout to all of my highly-spirited grandies

the six-pack

one of the rare photos

from a few years back

of all sitting still in one place at one time

happy grandparents day to all

with much love from peaches

thanks for reminding me what’s important each and every day.

“children make your life important.”

-erma bombeck