Tag Archives: beauty

after the silence.



treat yourself to something beautiful

watch this all the way through and feel the beauty of her voice move the audience to tears

-15 year old emma kok sings ‘voila’ – with andre rieu, maastrict 2023


“after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

-aldous huxley

beauty in costa rica. – part dos.


leaves in the rain

lovely homemade breakfast

pollinator hotel in the forest

fresh-picked peppercorns

cool water swimming pool at the rainforest hotel

local cat rests with la tortuga sculpture

shadow of a rainforest fern

rainforest hotel lounge

retro lighting and paneling

playing jazz standards and christmas music

the coatis and their families

often joined us for meals

a hut deep in the rainforest

offering a place for the workers to rest

a palm tree on the pacific ocean nods to the end of a day.

“i love to mix everything together. it’s really my way to see beauty.”

-alessandro michele

you carry it. – part uno.


ethereal green wall in the alley of a small town

powerful monument in the capitol city

broken pottery mosaic on the sidewalk

tree trunk art in the rainforest

luscious dessert art

bottles create stained glass in the walls of the turtle sanctuary

heart becomes part of the path

where the fairies might live in the rain forest

small storefront in the rain

night setting at one of our rain forest stays

hanging rain forest bridge to ?

fisherman’s boat waits for him on the river

flowers growing wild on the caribbean beach

near where the sea turtle laid her eggs the night before

there was beauty of all kinds to be found in costa rica,

often in the most unlikely of places, in all its forms, as is beauty’s way.

“when you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go.”

-amanda stoddard

quietly floating through the cloud forest.


crossing the continental divide

 into the pacific region

for a visit to canto del rio and a hike into the cloud forest

one of the most unique environments in the world

surviving on costa rica’s mountaintops

incredibly quiet and powerful

the cloud forests are formed by a combination of wind and geography.

“in the cloud forest the fog is taken into the plants, thus ever clearing the air and feeding the streams. these forests are sacred, for they both bring flowing water to the ecosystem and hold the earth in place during the rains.”

-angela abraham




Aurora Borealis Observatory

 Reindeer under the aurora


“i always believe that the sky is the beginning of the limit.”

-MC Hammer

strawberry shampoo does not taste as good as it smells.


i had asked my daughter

to pick out a nice shampoo and conditioner for me

 was excited to get these

loved reading the labels

here are just some of the words/phrases on the packaging:


For weak, brittle hair that needs an intervention!

Damage Level – 3

Micro shields boost strength and stamina

Great results may cause your hair’s ego to inflate to astronomical proportions.

what?! ‘damage level -3’?!

i love the descriptors

who could resist even one of these?

and also there is so much little writing on the label

 the shampoo and conditioner bottles look exactly the same

 once i’m in the shower i have no idea which is which

and i always forget to look before i get in

and i’m not getting out to get my glasses on

so i have a 50/50 chance of getting it right, a roll of the dice

and sometimes i lose

this is what i call an ‘x-treme’ hair care experience.

“sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.”

-author unknown

cherry blossom.


“the significance of the cherry blossom tree in japanese culture goes back hundreds of years.

in japan, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life.

it’s a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that is also tragically short.”

-homaro cantu


image credit: peak bloom, 1920’s. this lantern slide of the cherry blossoms along the tidal basin in washington, d.c., usa, is from smithsonian gardens’ archives of american gardens. the cherry trees arrived in 1912, when japan gave them to the city as a gift of friendship.