Category Archives: truth

show and (don’t) tell

highlight quote from kinder show and tell today:
“I’m going to show you what I brought,
but if you see my sister in the hall
don’t tell her that I brought it.”
-w, age 5
“not everything needed to be brought into the light, he knew.
not every truth needed to be told.”
― louise penny, author
image credit: golden records 1964

each one can be true.


two friends

both on the same kinder playground

under the same spring sun

sitting on the same wooden bench

each sharing a complaint with the other

one says that she is so hot that she is sweating

the other says that she so cold that she is freezing

both are sincere in describing what they are feeling

each accepts what the other is saying

and listens without judgement.


“truth can be stated in a thousand different ways,

yet each one can be true.”

-swami vivekananda