Category Archives: halloween

finally, a pinata.


when i woke up on halloween morning

and finally, finally, i am a pinata

even cocoa the sweet dog joined in the fun

no candy in here

but luckily my kind colleagues

were the candy to my pinata.

“i feel like a human pinata. the disappointing thing is, no candy is going to spill out.”

-katie couric

tell a story.


Mack Elementary School Students in Halloween Costumes
For All-City Party, October 1941
Photo by The Ann Arbor News
All decked out in costumes,
these lads and lass are determined to win prizes
in the all-city Halloween party to be held in West Park.
Between 500 and 1,000 children are expected to attend the annual event.

happy halloween!

“clothes make a statement. costumes tell a story.”

— mason cooley

full of it.


this is not me, but we both have eaten our fill (and then some), of candy

before giving what’s left of it to halloween trick-or-treaters tomorrow night.


“every time i avoid eating halloween candy, i reward myself by eating halloween candy.”

-author unknown



art credit: ‘Maltesers’ by Alison Friend

’tis near.



full october moon tonight, and something’s different


“when witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near halloween.”

— author unknown


art credit: Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, The Witch on her Broomstick

Illustration from The Enchanted Forest – 1921

one more week.


one more week until the candy rains down!



“i want to get a vending machine, with fun-sized candy bars,

and the glass in front is a magnifying glass.

you’ll be mad but it will be too late.”

-mitch hedberg





image credit:  etsy vintage

hot stuff.


i loved wearing the costumes of my childhood era

and happily ‘suffered for my art.’

recent neighborhood nextdoor comments on the halloween costumes are wonderful:

They were so ugly but if you made your own costume, it wasn’t cool. We had to buy these things…jumpsuit tore easily, and elastic snapped off mask. And the sweat…and trying to breathe through the tiny mouth hole!

Those masks were so HOT! Didn’t hold us back tho! Was so safe then and went out by ourselves.

You couldn’t see out of them, sometimes the parts that touched your face were sharp, the elastic that held it on got tangled in hair. It is a wonder we survived Halloween in these masks!

then the elastic broke so your mom tied it and was even tighter and hotter! 

 and tangled it whatever hair was still left!

I’m surprised there weren’t thunderstorms inside the mask with all the condensation from breathing too. My favorite was my Hot Stuff costume. I still have a picture of me in it!

I totally had one of these costume with the mask…but this…this looks like a Pink Floyd video.

It was miserable wearing those masks, but we didn’t care, we wanted that candy !!

Looking back at those costumes, they were actually a little creepy!!  

How about the little tiny slit near the mouth so that you could attempt to get air? Your parents couldn’t understand why you had to take it off before you went up the steps of the next house. Your face would be drenched with sweat but you would wipe it off and keep going.

Made of suffocating plastic but we loved them anyway.

happy halloween!

“when you’re wearing an animal costume and something bad happens,

your facial expression doesn’t change. the animal is deadpan the whole time.

if you’re skiing in a gorilla suit and you fall, you just see a gorilla who has no emotion.

it’s just a stoic gorilla wildly falling down a hill, out of control.”

-dimitiri martin 

photo credit: vintage pinterest



at the haunted house

while waiting to enter

the performances began

 fire dancers


pumpkin head

evil clowns

lasers, smoke

even a bad dj – (‘diablo -international dj’)

like being caught up

in a campy carnie rave party

and then

we went in

for a long stretch of terror

adrenaline pumping

my startle response at full tilt

 a creepy clown jumped out of the dark near me

 my reflex reaction was a quick punch to its face

(the clown bent over in pain, and i felt so bad i hugged it!)

the man behind me said

‘i thank you for that, now i feel safe’

we continued on

through a creepy water illusion room with an uneven floor

a tight fabric tunnel we had to push our way through

spider webs sticking to our faces

monsters crawling on the floor

mirrors, doors, ramps, screaming, darkness, banging, running

quite a wild ride

but we made it out intact

and my heart is beginning to calm a bit.

“where there is no imagination, there is no horror.”

-sir arthur conan doyle

“believe nothing you hear and only one half that you see.” – edgar allan poe


remember when 

you heard all those scary stories in the dark?

where you looked in your rearview mirror and saw

the man with the hook/claw/bones in your backseat?

think maybe i should wave this driver over to warn him?

“the thing I hate most about skeletons is you can never tell when they’re smiling.” 

-stephen blackmoore, american author