Category Archives: moving



it’s that time of year again

move-in week

the uni students have newly arrived or returned

for a year of who knows what lies ahead

 the stores, the streets, the students

are full of excitement, fear, questions, hopes

and a broom, a  big mirror, and a case of ramen noodles or two.

“i move in the university of the waves.”

-pablo neruda


carry it.


like a turtle with its shell

 carrying it wherever they go

a sure sign

it’s move-in weekend at the uni.


“the sweetest part of leaving home is knowing,

beyond the shadow of a doubt,

that you’ll always carry it with you.”



new signs?


now that I’ve moved from the west side to the north side

do I have to learn new signs?



“search for beauty without features, something deeper than any signs.”

-francesca da rimini




image credit:






what a lovely surprise I found at my new home

when I came out to the front porch in the morning

an intricate web had been spun by a resident spider

such a beautiful welcome. 

“salutations are greetings, it’s my fancy way of saying hello.”

e.b. white – charlotte’s web

moving to simplicity.


and so I have sold the cottage 

the place where I have lived the longest

 where I have spent some of my best years

after a whirling roller coaster ride of a sale

each grandie takes a fairy house

to begin a village at their own home

family and friends help with the first steps

to move the things that I most want to keep

into a small space

(some of my grandies working hard)

then arrive at a daughter’s house

for a short stay

with olive the cat not the oil, in tow

while I await my new home

still to be in ann arbor

as I move to simplify my life

and live near what matters to me most

 family, friends,

the natural beauty of a park, the water, a garden

and a town which is only a short walk away.

(not my new home, but pretty comfortable)

in what can best be described as a ‘math miracle”

there is room to spare after filling this small space

with only my favorite things.

interesting to consider how much space

we would each need

to store

only those things that we really want to keep.

the adventure continues

along a path that is never a straight course

but always exactly right where I need to be.

“all deep changes are preceded by chaos.”

-deepak chopra