Tag Archives: school

small cheer.

a pop-up restaurant appeared in the cozy corner of our classroom
everyone was welcome and helped in the restaurant after their meal
so many delicious foods
made with care
no one left hungry 
people came and went and shared plates and talked and laughed
it was a feast for the senses.
“small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.”
-william shakespeare




today the kinder saw the space where they will create their garden.


“why try to explain miracles to your children when you can have them plant a garden?”

-*janet kilburn phillips

*Janet is a gardener who found that she had to employ a growth mindset when she moved to the United States from England. She had previously been creating English cottage gardens but encountered challenges when she tried to grow them in a drastically different climate and in heavy clay soil. After experimenting with her gardens she created a CD called English Cottage Gardening — American Style. She adapted and persevered and found a new way to succeed at something that she loved.



paper cut.


at the store in aisle seven

looking over things for my classroom

  this came into view

let me double check,


guillotine not on my wishlist.


“ever since my childhood, i was haunted by the search for perfection.

an imperfectly cut paper literally made me ill. i would guillotine it.”

-hans arp, french-german sculptor, painter, and collagist


*frank the 6-month-old puppy with his report card that hailed him as the “life of the party.”

spending the recent past writing report cards
for the kinder
 always a fascinating trip down memory lane
seeing how far they’ve come already

an unlimited distance still to go
the good, the bad, and the unexplained
all the good hearts, dramas, tears, and laughs
each their very own person
learning as we go.

all of us.

*more of frank the puppy’s report card:

“We sent him there because he is truly the most energetic puppy I have ever met,” his mom told Newsweek. “Our older dog needed a break,” she joked.

When Frank came home with the report card, she was in stitches. “I thought it was hysterical when I saw it because I can only imagine that Frank is probably the class clown that’ll do anything for a laugh and that’s definitely his idea of the best time,” she said.

Described on the card as the “life of the party,” the report also says that Frank loved wrestling with his buddies.

“It makes my heart so happy to know that he has so many pals at preschool,” said Spahr. Working on etiquette skills in his preschool class, the report also told Frank’s owners that his best friends are Daisy, Cooper, Vader, Hudson, and even a dog named Angus Beef.

“my report card always said, ‘jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students.”

-jim carrey


credits: newsweek magazine uk, alice gibbs

choose wisely.


no matter how tired you are 

when coming into the faculty room

to grab a cup of coffee

at the start of another day

 look closely at the flavorings offered

  choose wisely. 

what will it be today?

caramel? chocolate? or bleach water?

“once you make a choice, you have no choice.”   

 -anna chin-williams


photo credit: c. hull – thank you!

i need to go now.


she remembered off and on

throughout the afternoon

why she needed to leave school and go home

she tried calling on the old wood phone

told us she did not need to be here

told us her mom misses her

gave us so many, many reasons

and finally

she came up with my favorite:

“i need to go home…….to fix my hair!”

well, why didn’t you say so in the first place?

of course you do

we reminded her that mom would be back pretty soon

and in the meantime

we marched around like big dinosaurs

laughing and playing

ate applesauce and ran around outside

on a cool almost fall day

hair flying in the wind.

“home is where somebody notices when you are no longer there.”

-aleksandar hemon, the lazarus project



“i’ve always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school.

firsts are best because they are beginnings. “

-jenny han




art credit: *sharon france, ‘the old schoohouse,’ acrylic on stretched canvas

*artist’s comments: this painting is from my imagination of an old white schoolhouse in a quiet county setting. these old schoolhouses once dotted the countryside, close enough for children to walk to in most weather.



it’s that time of year again

move-in week

the uni students have newly arrived or returned

for a year of who knows what lies ahead

 the stores, the streets, the students

are full of excitement, fear, questions, hopes

and a broom, a  big mirror, and a case of ramen noodles or two.

“i move in the university of the waves.”

-pablo neruda




What better place to learn your ABC’s and 123’s than inside of a giant building shaped like a cat?

The kids who attend Kindergarten in Karlsruhe, Germany, do so in a giant feline.

Constructed in 2011 and designed by artist, Tomi Ungerer and architect, Ayla Suzan Yöndel, the whimsical kindergarten is in a big white cat building that includes a door for a mouth below a whisker-lined nose, windows for eyes, and a classroom in its belly. For added fun, kids can even ride down its tail that doubles as a slide.

In terms of architecture that inspires a playful imagination, the Kindergarten Wolfartsweier is remarkable for its embrace of an alternative, animalistic design for what a school can be.

“design is where science and art break even.”

-robin mathew(s)


source credits: Atlas Obscura, My Modern Met, Milk magazine, inthralled.com,