‘to love beauty is to see light.’- victor hugo


a couple of grandsons and i

drove to the highest point in the city

snuck onto a golf course

at dusk

on a quest to see the aurora

under a crescent moon

star- sprinkled sky

we waited,

and waited,

and waited

and waited

my photo-wise grandie

set up a long exposure shot

 his camera captured the beauty

better than our eyes could

how lucky and lovely 


we did not get arrested for trespassing.

‘hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
-desmond tutu


46 responses »

  1. good on you, Beth. for being so adventurous: fortune favors the brave; I remember when we were kids we could see the Aurora from our backyard when conditions were right — and then came Sputnik and we had something else to look at in the sky

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How wonderful!
    I was rather disappointed in myself as I completely forgot about it and went to bed! I woke up at 1:30 or so, and couldn’t fall back asleep so I scrolled the internets and lo! There were a bunch of pics. I went outside, wrapped in a blankie and tried to capture something. All I got was a swirl(ish) of green(ish). Sigh….


  3. We have few areas around here where true darkness in the sky is achievable. I’d like to get to such a place someday where the stars and the Moon are the “only game in town!”


  4. Beautiful. We TRIED to view the northern lights. Drove out of town. Parked along a gravel road. Shut off the van lights. Then looked at the sky and saw only the faintest wisps of beams. Nothing spectacular. We needed your grandson aside us to help with the phone camera. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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