Category Archives: renaissance

long weekend.


on the long weekend

some of everything

sharing a spaghetti dinner with family

relaxing with friends at the lake

by the fire

 waking up to a morning moon

a visit to the renaissance festival

cavorting with royalty, vikings, faerie folk, gnomes, jesters, magicians, musicians, artisans, knights, peasants, horses, dogs, dancers, warriors, barbarians, huns, lords and ladies…

and on the third day, she rested.

“on a long weekend, the possibilities are endless,

and we have the freedom to do as much or as little as we please.”

– unknown


“well, i didn’t vote for you.” – peasant to king arthur (monty python and the holy grail)


an adventurous visit to the michigan renaissance festival

way back when

in days of yore

i took my daughters

to this very shire

 all of us dressed up

now my grandsons

have picked up where we left off

 as brave knights

“look, it’s my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.”

– Sir Galahad (Holy Grail)

people enjoying the day

being whoever they imagine themselves to be

villagers from far and wide are all welcomed here

no matter their dress or look or form

 and what could be better than spying a kilted warrior brave enough to pick up his own hot latte?

“live every day as if it’s a festival. turn your life into a celebration.”

-shri radhe maa