Monthly Archives: August 2023



did you ever own and proudly wear a charm bracelet?

mine is long gone, but i still remember it fondly

i would save up money for charms, or ask for them as gifts

deciding what part of me i most wanted to display.

 i can only remember three charms that were on my bracelet:

a book – because i always loved books

a horse – because i went to horse camp one summer

a heart – because i was always a fan of love.

( two of the three i would still choose today, and i might swap a pencil for the horse)

i loved wearing it, sharing charm stories with friends, and listening to it jangle on my wrist. 

if you had to pick just three charms that would describe you today, what might they be?

“good memories are like charms…each is special.

you collect them by one by one,

until one day you look back and discover they make a long, colorful bracelet.”

-james patterson, american author of 200+ books


*Throughout many different cultures across history, charms were often used as symbols of faith, allegiance, and amulets to ward off evil spirits. The more modern chain-link bracelet with charms is thought to have come onto the scene sometime in the Victorian era. A charm bracelet is a type of bracelet which carries personal jeweled ornaments or “charms”, such as decorative pendants or trinkets. The decorative charms usually carry personal or sentimental attachment by the owner.



image credit: pinterest vintage

the sleepy life of bees.


 walking through the trail

we start to notice

 bees tucked into the flowers all around us

everywhere we look

some are alone

legs tucked under

some with other bees

all quietly sleeping

what a sweet and soft landing spot

bedtime seems to be 7:30pm .

bees sleep between 5-8 hours a day

they like to sleep in flowers with other bees

and often hold each others feet.

“my banks they are furnish’d with bees,

whose murmur invites one to sleep.”

-william shakespeare


photo credits: f. porter, one of my creative and talented grandies

furstenberg nature area, ann arbor, michigan, usa



pi3 = pizza, pickles and pineapple.


digiorno is dropping a pizza topped with both pineapple and pickle in an effort to enrage the entire internet. which side are you on?

According to a statement provided to Food & Wine, the pizza is made with “a hand-tossed crust, with those all-important toppings. While we’d love to say we all get to try it, we can’t. Because DiGiorno knows this is just too explosive for a true mass-market release.

Instead, DiGiorno will give people the chance to snag one frozen pizza for free at via weekly drops. But please note that the website will not go live until September 5, so bookmark the URL for future use.

The pies will be limited to one per person, only available while supplies last, and shipping will only be available within the United States. We are very sure these pickle and pineapple frozen pizzas will go quickly.

“but magic is like pizza: even when it’s bad, it’s pretty good.”
― neil patrick harris
credits:, stacey leasca



found these two hanging out amidst the clover

 seven+ months until st. patrick’s day

 they started celebrating a bit early

while they look a little worn

it doesn’t seem to matter.

“years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

– samuel ulman




relaxed dinner from the deli

such an easy delight 

picnic by the river

ice cream just right.

“there’s a deli around the corner from my office where I’d get a bag of chips with my sandwich,

and I was hiding them under my sandwich because I was embarrassed.

when I had this epiphany that I was hiding the potato chips from myself,

I realized there was an opportunity there.”

-keith belling



zingerman’s deli, ann arbor, michigan, usa – 2023

dog days.


on international dog day

deep into the dog days of summer

i’m reminded of one of my all time favorite movies

‘dog day afternoon’

incredible acting


and inspired by

a true story.

photo from the actual crime scene, 1972


sonny: “is there any special country you wanna go to?”

sal: “wyoming.”

sonny: “sal. wyoming’s not a country.”

-salvatore ‘sal’ naturale – dog day afternoon 


credits: warner brothers pictures, 1975, avenue magazine, life magazine, the boys in the bank





mocking – birds.



they are way too clever and a have a flair for sarcastic humor


” at a wildlife rehab facility i met two crows that said, ‘caw’ in a human accent.

they said it like a human reading the word ‘caw’ aloud.

the tech shook her head and said,

“they’re making fun of us. people say ‘caw’ to them all day,

so they’ve started impersonating us.”





image credit: google images

new paths.


some paths just wait to be discovered


“we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things,

because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

-walt disney




leslie park, ann arbor,michigan, usa



it’s that time of year again

move-in week

the uni students have newly arrived or returned

for a year of who knows what lies ahead

 the stores, the streets, the students

are full of excitement, fear, questions, hopes

and a broom, a  big mirror, and a case of ramen noodles or two.

“i move in the university of the waves.”

-pablo neruda


goat in the garden.


it’s not often that one happens upon a goat riding a bicycle in a garden
but when i did
i knew how i would love to find a goat riding a bicycle in my garden.
“ i saw goats. a party can’t be all bad when you have goats,” lucy said.”
Mary Jane Hathaway,  Persuasion, Captain Wenworth and Cracklin’ Cornbread