Category Archives: talking

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beginning our parent teacher conferences

ready to share stories, laugh, chat with families,

at some point

 voices grew crackly,

  coffee and lots of water became important

leaving at the end, very quietly walking to our cars.

happy families and most of our voices left behind.



giving a speech has always been a challenge for me

while i love talking

one-on-one, or to a stranger or small group

(and can do so for hours, sorry)

when i have to get up in front of an audience

finding a mic in my hand

it never turns out well

it’s never gotten easier

i’m much better

with story-telling, improv, prattling on, and going off on tangents

so i have reimagined

all of these experiences

as tiny speeches.


“i can talk for a long time only when it’s about something boring.”

-lydia davis, author


image credit: harvard business review