Category Archives: pets


adjustable cat anti scratch shoes anti scratch cat feet claw covers pet grooming supplies details 0

Adjustable Cat Anti-Scratch Shoes,

Anti-Scratch Cat Feet Claw Covers

just a guess,

but i’m thinking

this was not

thoroughly thought through

market tested


focus grouped

and may not go well.

“nothing dies harder than a bad idea.”

-julia cameron



source credit: mingott pet

into the wild.


 a kind tribute

to my little himilayan irish kitty

yeti kennedy

from my compassionate vet’s office

in a perfect circle  


appeared from the wild

returned to the wild.

“trees are as close to immortality as the rest of us ever come.”

― karen joy fowler 

the art of living.


 the littlest yeti

the bravest warrior

the sweetest brother to olive

 lived with a disease he valiantly fought

 made it to his first birthday

 filled with crazy fun and sass

left the earth as suddenly as he appeared

as yetis sometimes do. 

“all the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”

~ havelock ellis

baby talk.


i hear it over and over again

even coming out of my own mouth

and wonder how and why

we ever began the tradition

of talking to our pets in baby talk.

they must consider us to be quite simple people

ever working on our vocabulary and articulation

always hoping that some day

we might master our own language.


“i’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes,

a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt,

and i am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.”

-john steinbeck





image credit:

piece of my art.


the cats have done it again

(the most likely suspects)

a long while after putting my latest puzzle away

without finding a missing piece 

they have left a piece at my feet

now all i have to do is find their secret lair

where i may discover a treasure trove

of all of my missing ‘one-pieces.’


“sometimes the hardest pieces of a puzzle to assemble, are the ones missing from the box.”

-dixie waters



rescued while trying to join a colony of cats in detroit

cared for by a foster family

 looking for a place to call home

i feel lucky she landed in mine

 shy and sweet and young

not quite sure what life will be like here

she came out from her hiding place

long enough for us to each check on the other

i see her natural fancy costume

of black ears and tail

snow white body

she’s now olive’s new sister

 and will be called rose

which makes her *rose kennedy

*(the cat, not to be confused with the political dynasty’s family matriarch who shared the same moniker)

“a kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.”

-robert southey

looking for my cat.


no, she has not gone missing

but keeping santa’s promise

to sweet kitty, olive –

 find her a sweet companion.

with virus, time home, holidays

sweet little kitties are hard to find

but i’m on the case

ready for the rescue

i see her on the horizon

 have one very close

to coming home. 

“there are no ordinary cats.”







photo credit:

all in.


he is all in.

as the family enjoys their breakfast

one of the grand cats

decides to have his.

 jumps on the counter, straddles the cake,

 eats fresh whipped cream to his heart’s content. 

until he is outed. 

“whipped cream can remind you why it’s good to be alive.”

                                                                                 – deb caletti

the best time is now.


what impeccable timing

as soon as i had finished working on puzzles

on my favorite old table

putting pen to my journal instead

olive also changed hobbies

from puzzling to journaling

at exactly

the same time and place


“the best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.”
― Hannah Hinchman, A Life in Hand

“i’ve decided that the best time is now.

the puzzles are gone, there are no open spaces in a puzzle to fill in by laying on them with my body,

no pieces to quietly and slowly push off the table with my paw, and no frame to snag and break apart with my claw.

perfect time to begin a journal.”
