Monthly Archives: December 2018



starlings come together and move into the shape of a giant bird.


kinders come together to see if the birds are eating the food they’ve left for them

“do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?”

-marcel marceau



 credits: guy benson, attenborough nature preserve, bbc news east midlands

being yourself.


after visiting grandma’s house with no worry that you’ll catch a cold.


“fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable.

style is more about being yourself.”

-oscar de la renta 


after visiting grandma’s house and ?

i truly admire their spirit and they look so happy.






image credits: crafty (dogs), google images (humans)

no point.

 bakers are complaining that something is amiss with hershey’s kisses.the chocolate candy’s trademark tips have been mysteriously missing from batches around the country. they have taken to social media to complain that the lopped-off tops are ruining the look of their holiday treats. without their points, the chocolate candies are left with flat tops.

the hershey company responded to the disgruntled bakers after hearing of a facebook post by the wedding cookie table community group that detailed the problem. company spokesman jeff beckman says they’re reviewing the issue. beckman says hershey has donated baking items to the group as a thank you for pointing out the issue. the candy company has yet to explain what’s causing the missing tips.

“there’s no point in getting too worried about things,

because life is too short.”

-dolores o’riordan – the cranberries (rip)

credits: ap photo/matt rourke, hershey chocolate company, huffington post

on fire.


so much romance
at the car wash today
as this couple wandered around the lot
kissing and kissing and kissing yet again
waiting for their car to be finished
not noticing that their car
was long ago completed
and up front waiting for them.
“the kiss would have been magical I was sure,
if I hadn’t caught my marshmallow on fire and dropped it on his shoe.”
― holly hood, Ink


the youngest at the party
play a long game of skill and chance
with exuberance and spirit.
“a finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”
― james o. carse, Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility.” 

no one shuts down santa.


Santa Tracker Unaffected By Government Shutdown, NORAD Says

Amidst the partial government shutdown, at least one critical service remains operational: NORAD’s Santa tracker. Despite gridlock in Washington, more than 1500 military personnel and volunteers in an air force base in Colorado will be hard at work Christmas Eve, tracking Santa Claus and answering children’s calls.

Every year, in a tradition that dates back to the Cold War, volunteers field tens of thousands of calls and emails from across the world, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Children ask for Santa’s location, detail their Christmas lists and probe volunteers for other details.Those volunteers, who take two-hour shifts starting in the early morning on Dec. 24, wouldn’t be there if not for a typo in a local newspaper in 1955.

When Col. Harry Shoup picked up his secret hotline at Peterson Air Force in Colorado, he was expecting a call from a four-star general at the Pentagon, according to a  2014  StoryCorps interview with his children. “And then there was a small voice that just asked, ‘Is this Santa Claus?’ ” his daughter, Pam Farrell says.

His family says that Shroup was annoyed. The United States was nearly a decade into the Cold War, and the colonel was prepared for reports of a nuclear attack, not requests for Santa Claus. But when the child started to cry, he responded jovially. Then he asked for the boy’s mother.

The mother explained that a Sears ad in the newspaper instructed kids to call Santa “any time day or night.” But the newspaper had accidentally printed the number for Shoup’s private red phone, instead of the store’s. So as the calls came in, Shoup put his airmen on the phones to pretend to be Santa Claus. The tradition has continued for more than six decades, outliving its creator — Shoup died in 2009.

The “tracking” technology has evolved over time, said Maj. Todd Walter, a Mission Crew Commander with the Canadian Air Defense. “We use radar systems scattered across the world, along with satellites providing infrared imagery, we have Santa Cams scattered throughout the world, then jet fighters that also go out and intercept Santa.”

credits:, francesca paris, storycorps, canadian air defense, norad



now that the day of winter solstice has passed

 we are already adding seconds/minutes of daylight to each new day

working our way back toward the summer solstice

i hope to use the extra light wisely.

6,400,099,980 moments constitute a single day. every single one of those moments provides an opportunity to reestablish our will. even the snap of a finger provides us with sixty-five opportunities to wake up and to choose actions that will produce beneficial karma and turn our lives around.” 

-dogen zenji-13th century zen master

(as quoted by ruth ozeki, author of A Tale for the Time Being.)