Monthly Archives: September 2018



kinders find magic in the japanese garden

 seeing things change right before them. 


‘change is a measure of time, and in the autumn, time seems speeded up.

what was, is not and never will be;

what is, is change.’

-edwin way teale


the rock.


Karen Schaefer took her turn at painting the Rock in Ann Arbor’s George Washington Park, announcing her conclusion about the boulder that was put on the spot in the 1930s. Schaefer wrote her master’s degree thesis on the Rock, (Objects that communicate).

 all kinds of people with all kinds of agendas paint the rock in this decades-old tradition in ann arbor. the chat below was found on my community website and i especially loved how s.a. was at the ready with his how-to directions and a bit of historical support. 

G.A. Does anyone know how much paint is required to paint a message on “The Rock” at Hill and Washtenaw?

P. L. Funny, my husband and I were just talking about this when we drove by it the other day.

S. A.  Old gallon of house paint for the base, one old mop or broom, go to Denny’s down the road, come back and it’s dry for the message.

T. S. Can’t believe that no one has commented that is is illegal and vandalism…

S. A. Even Al Gallup, the living son of the Gallup who placed it there in honor of Washington, is okay with it.

‘passion is one great force that unleashes creativity,

because if you’re passionate about something,

then you’re more willing to take risks.’

—yo-yo ma

in line.


sweet kinder spends her free choice time playing with the doll house.

when i stop over for a visit and ask why all the people are facing one way

she tells me they are waiting in line for the one bathroom.

(if you look closely, all the way to the right,

you’ll see the one toilet with someone sitting on it,

as well as a chef serving food out of a window,

and more people and animals scattered around downstairs)

what an amazing real world scenario.

how can i not love every single day of my job?

‘waiting in line is a great opportunity to meet people, daydream, or play.’

-patch adams

low comma, high drama.



September 24th: National Punctuation Day

* “A celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotation marks,

and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis.”

National Punctuation Day gives you the opportunity

to dress up your sentences with all kinds of context and accentuation!

Or, take the day to remind yourself what a semicolon actually does.


‘i’m tired of wasting letters when punctuation will do, period.’

-steve martin


*(i may not be qualified to celebrate this holiday,

as i endlessly abuse this system of grammatical organization.)

image credit:

on target.


At some point in 2016, persons unknown adorned a tiny cinderblock shack along US 90 with the big-box chain Target’s lettering and bullseye logo. Located about 15 miles outside Marathon (pop. 430) in Brewster County, Texas, the shack is now unofficially known as the Target Marathon.

The raison d’être of the Target Marathon remains unclear. It was perhaps inspired by the Prada Marfa, an art project in the West Texas desert. Unlike the Prada Marfa, however, no one has ever claimed to have created the Target Marathon. Both “stores” are non-operational, although the Prada Marfa does at least contain some Prada merchandise.

The tiny Target contains absolutely nothing, save for some sand and an occasional desert creature sheltering from the midday sun. So if you’re trundling along US 90 and spot the bullseye up ahead, don’t get all excited about discount goods.

But if you appreciate unusual art installations, if that’s what you can call the Target Marathon, then pull over and have a look. Don’t delay, however, or it might not be there at all. As no one has claimed ownership of the Target Marathon, and it could conceivably be stripped, knocked down or otherwise altered at any time.

The Target Marathon is located about 15 miles west of Marathon on the way to Alpine. You’ll see it on the south side of the US 90 alongside some railroad tracks. Entrance is free for humans, rattlesnakes and all other desert dwellers. Target REDcards are not accepted.

‘a creative project is a moving target.

you never end up where you start.’

-evangeline lilly







credit: atlas obscura