Category Archives: medicine

the bad doctor.


i went to a new doctor

a specialist with the first available appointment in our medical system

with good reviews

i’ve rarely had anything but positive experiences

 this one was quite the opposite

while he knew his subject

he had absolutely no understanding of human interaction

let alone skills in working with a patient

he was cocky, a know it all

i had to ask him all the relevant questions and tell him my history

as he never asked or offered suggestions

he was dismissive, scoffed at things i said

seemed doubtful that i would even follow through with recommended therapies

at one point

i came close to asking

“are you A.I.?”

even though he was present in the room with me


i had his order for a physical therapist

the outcome i had hoped for

 along with my new massage therapist trainer

no need or plan to see him ever again.

he told me to return after 8 weeks

to see how the treatment was going

as he expected

that i wouldn’t get a p.t. appointment

for at least 2 weeks

what an inspirational guy

why did he ever chose to be a doctor?

as i left

i felt bad for all of the people still in the waiting room

hoping they would see him soon.

“the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.”

-sir william osler, canadian physician and one of the founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital

michigan medicine.


as michiganders

we grew up with detroit’s famous vernors ginger ale

not only was is good to drink and make floats and shakes out of it

but we used it as at least 80% of our medicine

if you felt

nauseous, had a virus, flu, unexplained itching, headache, were sore, tired, dizzy

or suffered from an unlimited litany of ailments

you were put to bed

and given cold vernors to sip on

but when the hot vernors showed up

on your bedroom tray

you knew your prognosis was much worse

and your days possibly numbered.

“there is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great,

and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.”

-orison swett marden





grateful to have had my 2nd vax dose

knowing it’s not just to keep me well

but to give all who i may cross paths with

a better chance to stay well too. 


“healing yourself is connected with healing others.”

-yoko ono