Category Archives: singing

after the silence.



treat yourself to something beautiful

watch this all the way through and feel the beauty of her voice move the audience to tears

-15 year old emma kok sings ‘voila’ – with andre rieu, maastrict 2023


“after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

-aldous huxley

see the song.


“when it’s cold you can see the song.”

the bird appears to be sending smoke signals as it braves sub-zero temperatures in a park in the city of petrozavodsk, russia. mikhail kalinin, 34, an electric locomotive engineer spotted the chirping bird’s condensation rising up out from it’s beak with the temperature below -5 degrees celsius.







credits: Mikhail Kalinin/Solent News


unhappy feet.


the more injuries you get, the smarter you get.
mikhail baryshnikov

yes, it’s a sports injury.

no, i was not

playing in a world cup match

representing the u.s.a.

i was

walking in the house

while singing bohemian rhapsody.

with gusto.

opera style.

a door jumped in my way.

out of nowhere.

now my baby toe is broken.

and feels a little jacked up.

i must be a genius by now.

image credit: nationalgeographic.omc