Category Archives: lizards

true compassion.


after all of the wedding fun

finding the very tiny lizard, lizzy

thinking lizzy was gone

but finding she had hitched a ride in the car by hiding on someone’s dress

finding another tiny lizard, johnny boy

who hitched a ride on someone else’s pants

when we were looking in the trees for someone just like him

making houses for each of them

giving them food and water and air, and hiding rocks and grass

then thinking more about them and what would make them feel happy and safe

after talking, reciting poetry to them, interpretive ballet dancing

thanking them for finding us, hitching a ride, and playing with us for a little while

we decided that we loved them

and because we did

it was much kinder and compassionate

to return them to their lizard trees

to let them go home to their families and friends

to be healthy, happy, and safe

rather than try to keep them for ourselves

 there were

a few tears

lots of love


 a much greater understanding.

“true compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.”
– daniel goleman