Category Archives: happy

calm and happy nature.


trail gate ahead. and love. and maybe bananas.

the future is bright. 


“he who is of a calm and happy nature, will hardly feel the pressure of age.”





photo: bandemeer park, ann arbor, michigan, usa – spring 2024



hijinx on the first day of spring.


hijinx by maggie vandewalle

“Hijinx” is the very first hare painting by watercolor artist Maggie Vandewalle. This is a depiction of a spring day and the doings of English hares, having just just finished reading a book detailing their oddities. Hijinx is a wonderfully expressive piece, one that has inspired a whole range of hare paintings, but this being the first gives it a special place in her heart.

“i’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day.”

-the temptations




when you’ve had a very long and busy week 

and you get a text that reads:

“great news! your adult pinata headband has been delivered.”

and just like that

your world flips and rights itself in an instant.


“being happy never goes out of style.”

-lilly pulitzer

pura vida.


my home away from home

in the rainforest on the caribbean side

water, more water, water from the sky

crocs, orchids, trees, coconuts, mangoes, sloths, monkeys, birds

rice, beans, fish, bananas, coffee, veggies, guava, papaya,


pura vida

The term “Pura Vida” is an expression of happiness, optimism, and living life to the fullest.  It is impossible to visit Costa Rica without hearing this phrase continuously.

As a question, it is equivalent to “how are you?” As a response, it means “very well.”

Curiously, the person does not necessarily have to be very well — the greeting arises automatically because, deep down, its meaning is: “I’m glad to see you and that makes me happy”.

it is also used to say goodbye:

it is the equivalent to saying “yes” to any question and used to say “you’re welcome” or “it’s nothing”.

regardless of the context, Pura Vida is always expressed with enthusiasm, sympathy, gratitude and motivation, because it emerges from the soul.

Pura Vida is an expression so embedded in the culture of Costa Ricans that no one would suspect that it may have arisen from a 1956 Mexican movie with the same name.  The phrase is used by the protagonist throughout the film to refer to good people and beautiful things or situations.

Ticos (people native to Costa Rica) adopted the term, morphing it to a distinct meaning yet with varied manifestations. It is now so ingrained that it is used by different generations and is part of Costa Rican mainstream culture and identity. More than just a term, it’s a lifestyle.

agreeable friends.


when walking on a path in the park today

i noticed 5 different dogs, with 4 different owners

coming from all directions

lots of jumping and friendly barking

wondering how they would all get along

 soon saw

it was a planned play date

a dog party

 so thrilled to see each other

immediately falling into joyful play

just like in one of my very favorite books

go, dog, go!

with the surprise dog party at the end.

(sorry for the too late spoiler alert)


“animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.”

-george eliot



image credit: p.d. eastman, ‘go, dog, go!,” random house publishing

whimsy’s on its way.


note to this townie and his car

who’ve made so many smile:

Shout out to the person driving the smart car that looks like a little tykes cozy coupe! 

Everyone loves it and it brings all of the smiles and laughs every time you are spotted! 🙂


“whimsy doesn’t care if you are the driver or the passenger; all that matters is that you are on your way.”

-bob goff