Category Archives: happiness

hope is a decision.


hope tree, karin zeller



buddhist philosopher daisaku ikeda wrote this insightful look at the nature of happiness in his essay collection, “Hope Is a Decision.” ikeda spent 50 years writing the essays in the book. they all relate in some form to the nature of hope, and how we can take it upon ourselves to maintain it, even during tumultuous times. consider it a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you choose to be hopeful, you will be. just like if you choose to try and make others happy, it will increase your own happiness. and, as ikeda also notes in his essay, those choices will “illuminate our final years with dignity.”



when you’ve had a very long and busy week 

and you get a text that reads:

“great news! your adult pinata headband has been delivered.”

and just like that

your world flips and rights itself in an instant.


“being happy never goes out of style.”

-lilly pulitzer