Category Archives: puppets

walking heads.


update on the talking heads –

seems they’ve become the walking heads.

and may have found me.

asking me to step up

to become their new organizer

as i am 

one of the ‘top members’ of the group

though i never joined

only looked upon it in horror.

i may have to move.

Hi Beth Kennedy,

Ferris stepped down from organizing Learn and practice Ventriloquism and puppet skills.

You are one of the top members of this Meetup, so I think you have what it takes to be a great organizer. Stepping up would help ensure that this community continues to survive past Thu Sep 6.

You can step up as organizer here:  _________________

Best Regards,
Meetup Community Experience Team

“no, because I am not a ventriloquist.”
-russell bank


image credit: vintage pinterest