Tag Archives: experience



“I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place.
But, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes me a long time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in. It’s a habit.
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault. I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street.”



Portia Nelson, There’s a Hole in My Sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery

each one can be true.


two friends

both on the same kinder playground

under the same spring sun

sitting on the same wooden bench

each sharing a complaint with the other

one says that she is so hot that she is sweating

the other says that she so cold that she is freezing

both are sincere in describing what they are feeling

each accepts what the other is saying

and listens without judgement.


“truth can be stated in a thousand different ways,

yet each one can be true.”

-swami vivekananda

spin cycle.


*news about the cycle of life

saparmurat niyazov, president of turkmenistan, made a decree that divides life into 12-year cycles.

the decree says that childhood lasts until age 12, adolescence to 25, and youthfulness until 37.

the next 12-year cycles are divided into periods labeled – mature, prophetic, inspirational and wise.

old age begins at age 85.

hit 97 and enter a period named for oguzkhan, considered the founder of the turkmen nation, who died at 109.

* this cycle only applies to people in turkmenistan. 

(apparently the rest of us are on our own to spin through life’s cycles as best we can.)

“mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.”

-phyllis theroux

credits: cbslocal.com, edogawa natural zoo – tokyo