

danny and alfred

keep out!

no trespassing!

police tape!

just not sure how effective

the signs will be

with only one wall

but maybe the power of suggestion

is stronger than i think. 

“every wall is a door.”

-ralph waldo emerson

64 responses »

  1. “Under a wall, I collapse
    The Great Wall of China
    The Berlin Wall
    Israel’s Palestinian Barricade
    The Iron Curtain
    Trump’s Mexican Wave
    Australia’s Rabbit Proof Fence
    My neighbour’s Red Brick Wall.
    Bamboozled by them all
    Waiting for a new tomorrow, they tell
    me to be patient, to obey,
    walking shoes are ready, a good night’s sleep,
    nothing more to be said” … Ivor Steven ©

    Liked by 3 people

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