go and dig.


it began

with a look around the science room

taking a closer glance

at amazing natural treasures

honeycombs, footprints, nests

when suddenly

someone discovered

a hidden hole in the rug

everyone rushed to see  this

very rare and incredible curiosity!

‘the biggest quest to learn anything is curiosity. if you are curious about something, you will go and dig.’

-rakesh jhunjhunwala

44 responses »

    • yes, as one of my colleagues said, ‘you spend so much time setting up these provocations tor them, and then they create their own.’ true, and I say well done on their part


  1. Beth, this is beyond precious! Your words and photos–the kids’ curiosity. Oh, my heart! Before I leave a classroom after reading I tell the kids, “Remember to stay kind and curious!” It seems your classroom oozes with that because of YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

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