the time of my life.


what a wonderful retirement celebration

with sweet surprises galore

very kind words from friends/colleagues

comedy, a musical serenade, lunch together

 songs i wrote with our music teacher made into a beautiful book

a fab dance act from my favorite movie

an explosion of glitter

book of words, poems, haiku, photos, glittered pages, memories, hopes

and of course

so many wonderful pinatas

you can never have too many

filled with special things for my journeys ahead.

they know me so very well

thank you one and all

i had the time of my life.



“always surround yourself with people who inspire you to be a better person.”

-d. denise dianty


115 responses »

  1. oh my….. this just shows what an exceptional, much loved, inspiring and wonderful send-off into retirement. They really, really have loved you or else that gigantic farewell wouldn’t have happened the way it did. But WE knew full well who and what you are Beth and can only agree that you are a brilliant, joyful and inspiring teacher. Made me smile.
    You know what i used to say when I got lavish farewell presents from work mates: You really must be glad that I leave to shower me with so many goodies and presents!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joy Sadness Happiness Regret Smiles Tears
    I remember them all. WOW! what a send off. I and all retirees received a very nice rocking chair and various other useful things.
    I definitely gave sighs of happiness!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beth, you are loved! What an amazing group of friends and colleagues! I love that movie and how fun! The alarm on the pinata made me giggle too. You’ll treasure these memories forever! You are a blessing to so many!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Omg, What a fabulous, creative and oh so much fun retirement party that must have been! Just shows how much you are loved, admired and celebrated. I want to know you in person too..:) Now when anyone asks you what you’re going to can the words of Napoleon..”Anything I want to” :))
    Did anyone get a video of that performance? If so, please show us.
    Happy happy retirement! Chris from Washington. (state)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. OMG, this is so touching! Something like this is only done for people who are worth this all. They will miss you. I am sure, it was not easy for you after all these years, and working together with so many lovely people… not to mention the kids.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m glad your staff sent you off with a bang. I think you know I loved my career, but this part of life has been equally amazing. Here’s to more adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

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