‘time is more valuable than money. you can get more money, but you cannot get more time. -jim rohn


the last paycheck. the day hath come.

*‘fear no more the heat o’ the sun, nor the furious winter’s rages.

thou thy worldly task hast done, home art gone and taken thy wages.’

– william shakespeare,  cymbeline

*i know shakespeare wrote this about the final goodbye, but it also works for commuting and retirement

66 responses »

  1. The paradox is that the less time you have, the more money you have. And the more money you make (and work more) the less time you spend. I prefer the time. I have all I need and saw quite a lot of this planet. I would not mind spending a peaceful time in my oasis due to less money to spend.


  2. If you are like me, you‘ll will often wonder How on Earth you could have done all you did, because now your days will still be full, just differently. And after a few years you‘ll slow down a bit, or not let yourself be pressurized any longer, or need an afternoon nap, or whatever! What is your partner (if one is around) saying? I married a much younger guy and he‘s still fully occupied – I need to get up early, so that we can have breakfast together…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure it will organically fall into place over time and the rhythm of life will change. Back on the dating scene so I need to find a guy who also has time –


  3. So the day has finally come. I remember you giving us fair warning a year ago. I couldn’t believe it was happening! I’ll miss the stories of the students. I guess we’ll get stories of grandkids now and then instead. 🙂 Congratulations!

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