Category Archives: retirement

the time of my life.


what a wonderful retirement celebration

with sweet surprises galore

very kind words from friends/colleagues

comedy, a musical serenade, lunch together

 songs i wrote with our music teacher made into a beautiful book

a fab dance act from my favorite movie

an explosion of glitter

book of words, poems, haiku, photos, glittered pages, memories, hopes

and of course

so many wonderful pinatas

you can never have too many

filled with special things for my journeys ahead.

they know me so very well

thank you one and all

i had the time of my life.



“always surround yourself with people who inspire you to be a better person.”

-d. denise dianty


like a river.


how lucky am i that this was both for me?

on this

my very last day of teaching

 soon to be retired

with who knows what

adventure still to come.

“if i thought i knew what was going to happen, it wouldn’t be worth doing. the challenge is how joyfully, with what sense of fun and adventure and playfulness, we will greet it. we don’t have to look for what the next thing will be.if experience is any judge, it’ll come flowing toward us like a river.”

-stephen colbert