Tag Archives: bracelet



did you ever own and proudly wear a charm bracelet?

mine is long gone, but i still remember it fondly

i would save up money for charms, or ask for them as gifts

deciding what part of me i most wanted to display.

 i can only remember three charms that were on my bracelet:

a book – because i always loved books

a horse – because i went to horse camp one summer

a heart – because i was always a fan of love.

( two of the three i would still choose today, and i might swap a pencil for the horse)

i loved wearing it, sharing charm stories with friends, and listening to it jangle on my wrist. 

if you had to pick just three charms that would describe you today, what might they be?

“good memories are like charms…each is special.

you collect them by one by one,

until one day you look back and discover they make a long, colorful bracelet.”

-james patterson, american author of 200+ books


*Throughout many different cultures across history, charms were often used as symbols of faith, allegiance, and amulets to ward off evil spirits. The more modern chain-link bracelet with charms is thought to have come onto the scene sometime in the Victorian era. A charm bracelet is a type of bracelet which carries personal jeweled ornaments or “charms”, such as decorative pendants or trinkets. The decorative charms usually carry personal or sentimental attachment by the owner.



image credit: pinterest vintage