Tag Archives: etsy


art candy!!!

what a lucky find. while visiting my daughter in perth, australia i was delighted to discover that the friend we were meeting for tea was actually jenni, the artist behind the amazing world of art candy. jenni, modestly describes her work as, ‘sweetness with soul,’ and that is an understatement. i’ve admired her work online for quite a while, and am happy to know that others around the world have discovered her. jenni hand-makes unique cards, paintings, alphabets, and other magical delights. while there, i saw her works in progress and was even allowed a peek into her glitter drawer. it was an amazing morning spent with a wonderful, creative spirit. since art school, jenni has been inspired by a love of language, especially slang, colour, and a sheer exuberance for life. if you have a moment, take a peek into her work and her world, through the link i’ve provided. i think you’ll be delighted by what you find.
