makin’ it rain!!



any suggestions for my windfall? 


We’re writing to let you know we processed your refund of $0.17 for your Order #1276543987.

This refund is for the following item(s):

    Item: Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls
    Quantity: 1
   Reason for refund: Pre-order price protection

Here’s the breakdown of your refund for this item:

        Item Refund: $0.17

We’ll apply your refund to the following payment method(s):

Visa Credit Card $0.17

We’ve processed a refund for the above order in the amount of $0.17. The refund should appear on your account in 2-3 days if issued to a credit card.
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28 responses »

  1. I think you should send it to me via PayPal for being stupid enough reading that word for word when I never ever do that when I get them! Or thinking about it why don’t you give it away with the previso that it is then passed on from that person to another and see how many people you can get to give away your windfall, that $ .17 could travel the world for years!


  2. I think you and I should go on an around-the-world trip! I have a check for $0.45 on my frig that says:

    Dear CitiMortgage Customer: Congratulations on the payoff of your mortgage loan! Attached is your payoff refund check. This refund represents the overpayment of interest when your load was paid in full.

    Or, I can apply it to my new mortgage…..


  3. I know you don’t know me or anything, but I really do need, like, 18 cents (so you’d just have to pitch in a penny of your own). It’s not for me, actually, but for this girl I’m in love with. We’ve never actually met, but I’m sending her money so she can leave Nigeria and come see me. Awesome, right?!


  4. This is too funny. So much energy and time are spent on things so trivial. I know 17 cents is still something, but really what can you get for it. My company has been known to write out credits to customers for amounts under $50 and it costs us hundreds of dollars to process them. When will it ever end!


  5. The really sad part though? It’s more than what my bank account draws for interest these days!

    But….what should you do with it? Hmmm, the question of questions.

    You can buy 17 thoughts nod nods. *smiles*. (Ok…that was not sarcastic…so let me do one of those too *grins*)

    Or …

    1/2 a forever stamp? I would think 1/2 of forever is still quite a long time!


  6. Believe it or not, many years ago I actually received a note from Internal Revenue that they overcharged and owe me $1.05 and whether I wanted a cheque or a credit to my account.

    I should have ticked “cheque” – taken and framed it !!!

    P/s Everyone ignored that back then, banks charged $5.00 for clearing cheques below $100.00.


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