it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. – Frederick Douglass


it was building day in kindergarten and all kinds of things were being built.

both those one could easily see and proudly carry home, and those one could carry inside forever.





I personally believe we were put here to build and not to destroy.
Red Skelton

image credits: j. kurtz



46 responses »

  1. Best to start building good habits in kindergarten, you are so right, Beth. I love the look on the faces, students and teachers alike. And the zipper quote from Red Skelton is so wise from a man I best remember as a TV clown on his own variety show.


    • i agree, think it’s all easier to learn early on in life. lots of time to practice. luckily i had lots of parents volunteer to help with this one ) and red was a smart guy, in spite of the role he played –


  2. This was lovely with such fine helpers in the classroom, to keep the children’s projects and hands safe! I love the goggles and think they are necessary to be included in this building day! I love the quote and believe you are always making children’s lives enriched daily! Smiles, Robin


  3. You can almost tell, by looking at those profound facial expressions that they are so, so, into this experience of creating … and creativity is a beautiful gift in these young people that so desperately needs to be released so they can know they are valuable, and worthy to be loved. Good post. T


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