people find meaning and redemption in the most unusual human connections. – khaled hosseini



he came in


hung up his cane


sat down

easing into

a booth

by himself

facing the door


by the staff

who knew

his name



his coffee

 he sat



the regulars

as they arrived

invited one

to share his booth

 sit a bit

 he smiled

 said no

 and still

he sat

  welcoming them all

 as they

paid homage to him

 reaching out



a nod

a smile

a quick hello

as he held court

in the front booth

 his morning spent

in the

local coney island




a part of the world.

43 responses »

  1. This may be my future strategy, Beth. Only at our local “Hamburger Inn” diner downtown Delaware. I may like to be the center of attention, especially when I am elderly, many, many years from now, of course!! Jim sounds like a character, but I would probably share my booth! Smiles!


  2. Beth – When I return to rural Kansas where I grew up, I see this exact situation over and over. It’s normally the old-time farmers who have become widowers and they don’t exactly know what to do with themselves now that they no longer have the structure of the demands of the farm and their wives schedules. I felt blessed in that my father had a group of 11 other friends he had not only graduated from high school with but they had stayed in the area and become ranchers and farmers. Each morning they met at this little local cafe [within 5 miles where most of them lived] and 7 days a week they met their for breakfast around 6 a.m. I always kept my father a running tab there as ‘The Dirty Dozen’ as they liked to call themselves held court daily at the one long table. I love your presentation today. It’s pulled at my heartstrings and also awakened memories I hadn’t thought about in years since Dad’s been gone. Thanks for the memories.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Loved this, Beth! You have such a gift for slowing us down to notice the magical moments in life that are right in front of us. Rumor has it there is a “magical” package for me at my previous address that came from points west–am getting it today! Whoo-hoo! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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